Package “Real estate”
Designed to assess the climate impact of a property management company.
Verified calculation of carbon emissions from company offices and managed buildings in impact areas 1-3.
years Sustinere has been active in the climate impact and ESG management market
Climate impact and ESG experts in the Baltic wide agency
climate impact calculations over the last 3 years
satisfaction score from clients on a scale of 10.
The Real Estate package allows you to measure emissions according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard categories:
Scope 1
- Fuel consumption of your organisation's cars
- Refrigerants and other fugitive emissions
- Energy produced (by the company itself)
Scope 2
- Purchased energy (electricity, heating)
Scope 3
- Waste generated
- Fuel and energy related activities (indirect)
- Employee mobility
- Business travel
- Water, food (partially) paper
- Office supplies
- Home office impact
- Leased assets
Values of the “Real Estate” package
- chat support about the platform and help filling out the form
- measurement of the CO2 footprint of an unlimited number of buildings in the scopes 1-3
- meets the Science Based Targets and the European Public Real Estate Association’s guidelines, which both refer to the use of a location-based approach in the real estate sector
- detailed building-based information, including electricity and energy intensity and renewable energy production per m2
- visualisation of consolidated building data
- detailed performance report
- verification of results by climate experts
- recommendations for impact reduction and goal setting
- data storage and comparison of results in the following year
Price: office and one managed building 2500 €. Each subsequent building 750 euros. In the case of more than five buildings, we agree on the price according to the nature of the project.
The 6 steps of using Greenspect
Client feedback
Since climate impact assessment will soon become mandatory anyway, it seemed reasonable to go through the processes related to reporting with the help of Sustinere, using the example of Lõunakeskus. Also, real data helps to better plan Astri Grupp's sustainability strategy and
to prioritize the action plan.

Sustinere has helped us navigate the complexity of sustainability directives and provided a business context for the initially cumbersome climate impact reporting obligation.
When reporting on the climate impact of leased commercial real estate in 2024, we plan to test the "Greenspect-Real Estate" product instead of the current Excel sheets, in order to make building data management increasingly easier, more cost-effective, and enable better tracking of developments in the building portfolio over the years.

To order the Greenspect real estate package please fill out the form below. We will clarify your company’s needs and help you start your journey.